Monday, October 27, 2008

Naomi's First Tram Ride...

We were invited by some friends to take a Tram ride. It was Customer Appreciation weekend and for every canned good that was brought, you received a free Tram ticket. And free is always appealing for us... Yes, some of you are thinking, ''Don't you get free Tram tickets anyway?'' Yes, we do.... but it was for a good cause and it just happened to work out that way...
Naomi was a little unsure as we were loading the Tram. Lucky for her, her Dad was holding her tight and reassuring her that it was all going to be okay. Her anxiety seemed to lessen as the heights started to heighten... yeah, weird how that worked out.

At the top, it was FREEZING. It wasn't as cold as the previous weekend, since it had snowed. But on this day, the wind was quite blistering. It was a gorgeous day, but as most late Fall days in Utah are, the weather was quite deceiving at the peak. We were up there long enough to take some pictures and take in the always beautiful scenery... no matter what time of year or weather... the peak is an amazing place to be!


Anonymous said...

I love how Naomi always has a big cheeser grin on her face. She seems like a very happy toddler. Cute pix! And here is a bit of advice for you... LOL... (inside joke about leaving comments on peoples blogs)