Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th

Today will always be a day to remember...
I still remember exactly how September 11, 2001 went for me. I was working up at Snowbird at the time and was pregnant with Jonah. When the news was first hitting the TV, I wasn't quite sure if it was all real. It didn't seem that something like this could ever happen in our country.
I started calling my Aunt, who lives in Manhattan... and my childhood friend, who lived in Queens at the time. More than anything, I wanted to hear what was going on from an insider's perspective. After finding they were both okay, it just seemed that nobody really knew what was going on... and why.
Ethan and I had a quick conversation about it... wondering what kind of world we were bringing our unborn child into.
We just hope this is something that unifies every human being... remembering that life's too short...
We will always remember this day.

Star Wars Siblings

Lately, Jonah has been getting into Star Wars. He has watched both trilogies and absolutely loves them! Jonah was Darth Vader for Halloween when he was 4 years old. So, of course, he's been wearing the costume as his pajamas. He has also been playing with his lightsabers, in case he ever has to fight off any Siths. The other day, he gave Naomi two lightsabers because he knew he could take her with just one. In fact, he told me... "Mommy, I'm a Jedi Knight compared to Sis."

Let's just hope he never turns to the Dark side...