Thursday, October 2, 2008

2008 Utah State Fair

Yes, the Smith's made it to the State Fair this year. The last time we went, I was pregnant with Jonah... almost 7yrs. ago! It must have been the goat I milked for $1 that kept me away for so long...

This year, a couple of friends wanted to see the Rodeo. Yes... I was dragged to the Rodeo! It was a weird display of animal cruelty, if you ask me! But, I guess that's how it's been done for so long... if it ain't broke, don't fix it! Naomi, surprisingly, LOVED the rodeo. Every time someone came out on a horse chasing a calf, she was up on her feet screaming and yelling. It was more entertaining for me to watch her than the actual rodeo!

After the rodeo, we decided to take the kids on a few rides. The key word is FEW since each ride requires 3-4 tickets and tickets are $1 each. Man, they're rakin' it up at the State Fair! Not only do you have to buy at least 15 tickets, but you also have to give up some tickets for the adult that decides to join the child on the ride. Geez, I should've went into the ticket printing business!

I know what you're thinking... the Fair sounds like as much fun as going to the Dentist. All in all, the kids had a good time. And Ethan and I were able to get our fill of people-watching... the Fair just about rivals the airport as far as people-watching goes!


Anonymous said...

Magnificent Post Lee! That wasn't so hard was it? Keep it up!