I am so very proud of my little Driggs Elementary Dragon. Let me explain...
I received a phone call last week from the school Secretary. She went on to tell me that there was going to be an awards assembly, and that Jonah would be receiving an award. With that said, she was just informing us of the time in the chance that we may be able to attend. I relayed the information to Ethan. Not really giving it much thought, I just told him to bring the video camera if he could make it. And I'm so glad he did...
As it went, every child in the class received a certificate and a personal award... ''best smile & best helper award'', ''best blue eyes & reader'' or ''best artist''... so, of course, the skeptic in Ethan thought that maybe it was just that every parent was called to let them know of the award. But as it turns out, there was a special award for one child of each class... the ''Dragon Pride'' award. Each teacher was to pick the topnotch student of her class. And Jonah has a class of 24 kids, so I am sure this was a tough decision... but, then again, it is Jonah - that decision couldn't have been that tough. Here's what was written on his certificate...
''Because of you our school is a better place to learn. You have proven to me by your actions that one person can make a difference. I applaud you for what you have accomplished and look forward to hearing even more great things about you in the future.''
Yup... we're so proud of him. His trophy even has his name engraved on it.
We must be doing something right... =)