Monday, November 24, 2008

Thankful for my A to Z's...

I've been tagged to do a 'Thankful for Thanksgiving' blog... so here's what I'm thankful for from A to Z...

A: All of my friends & family.
B: Best friend - without her, life would not be complete.
C: Cooks - without them, I'd never eat!
D: Dad - because I'm Daddy's little girl.
E: Ethan - without him, I don't know where I'd be!
F: Food - I could eat all day long if I could.
G: Girls - my homies help keep me sane.
H: Home - as small as it may be, it's home sweet home.
I: In-laws - without them, I might've jumped off a bridge by now.
J: Jonah - he's my favorite little boy!
K: Knowing that I have alot to be thankful for.
L: Lasik - there's nothing like 20/20 vision.
M: Mom - because she's Mom!
N: Naomi - she's my favorite little girl!
O: Options - I'm thankful we have these and live in a free country!
P: Politeness - I hate mean people!
Q: Quirks - without those, nobody would be unique.
R: Reading - I'm thankful that I'm not illiterate.
S: Stars - I need SOMETHING to wish on.
T: Teachers - they've helped shape people's lives.
U: Understanding - that we're all different and just wanna be understood.
V: Vicarious living - I'm glad I can do that through some of my friends.
W: Wine - sometimes I just need a glass... or four.
X: Xtreme sports - to remind us we're alive.
Y: You - obviously if you're reading this, you're someone special to me.
Z: Zambrie - my goddaughter I have yet to meet... and Zingers - who doesn't love thick icing on a wanna-be Twinkie?

Okay... I'm tagging Ronnie... =]


Anonymous said...

Nice one for the letter 'Z' - very creative! You are so funny. :)