Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Terrible & Torturous Twos...

Naomi is two! Yup, two!!!

It's shocking to think that our little girl is turning into a toddler. And boy, is she! It's hard to explain how relentless and tiring yet completely adorable she is...

She's learning names... Mommy, Nah-Nah (for Jonah), Papa, Opy, Nana, Tita and Day (for Dave). She's also learning animal sounds. It's pretty cute to hear her sound out what a monkey or rooster says.

She has moved on from the "Wobbler" room at Daycare to the 2-3 year old room. This has been a tough transition... for the Wobbler teachers. They were VERY attached to Naomi... she was their absolute favorite! The other day, one of her old teachers went to visit her and they both ended up crying when she had to leave. She's already breaking hearts at an early age... ugh.

Her biggest challenge these days is keeping up with her brother. Luckily, Jonah is wonderful with her. Of course, there's a constant barrage of teasing, but nothing compares to his love for her. The other day we were driving home from school/daycare and Jonah wanted to finish his leftover lunch. But this of course meant sharing his sandwich and chips with his sister... or maybe he just didn't want to hear her cry and whine for whatever it was he had that she didn't!

Her birthday party was a pool party courtesy of Nana & Dave. It was a great turnout... in fact, it looked like the local community pool since there were, at times, 15 kids in the pool at once! She's our little water baby... having no problem jumping into Ethan's arms from the side of the pool!

She's an amazing little girl... and we feel so blessed.